The Wellek Lectures for 2002

The Critical Theory Institute
University of California, Irvine

Presents a Lecture Series by

Paul Gilroy

Professor of Sociology and African American Studies
Yale University

Elements of Post-Colonial Melancholia

"Living with Difference"

"Human Rights and the Racial Nomos"

"Race is Ordinary"

May 13, 14, 16, 2002

Paul Gilroy

A Bibliography

Compiled by

Eddie Yeghiayan

Texts by Paul Gilroy

(Arranged Chronologically by Year of Publication)
1980 -- 1981 -- 1982 -- 1983 -- 1984 -- 1985 -- 1986 -- 1987 -- 1988 -- 1989 -- 1990 -- 1991 -- 1992 -- 1993
1994 -- 1995 -- 1996 -- 1997 -- 1998 -- 1999 -- 2000 -- 2001 -- 2002 -- Undated

Texts about Paul Gilroy

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