Quick Access to Medical Information

Visit the Grunigen Medical Library’s updated web portal for quick access to a wealth of medical information resources.

GML’s redesigned website, which debuted in February, offers healthcare professionals, educators, medical students, researchers, and consumers an easy-to-navigate portal to a wealth of medicine resources and information. For example, the site features direct links to:

  • a Clinician’s Toolkit of indispensable clinical electronic resources
  • the latest in medical news from Reuters, the National Institute of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control
  • a new evidence-based medicine subject page
  • core medical resources
  • electronic journals and books
  • specialized search tools

Susan Lessick, head librarian at GML, says the library’s intent “is to provide one-stop shopping for those in search of medical information. Our hope is that the UCI health sciences community will make our home page their home page and will help shape its evolution through their feedback and suggestions.”

Please send any comments or suggestions to either gml@uci.edu or Susan Lessick (slessick@uci.edu or 714/456-6488).