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Library Podcast Tours Now Available

Visitors to the Langson and Science libraries have a new option for finding their way around: podcast tours.

Approximately seven minutes long, each tour is a quick and friendly introduction to library services and resources, aimed at helping students feel confident in knowing what’s available, where to get it, and whom to ask for help.

Many of today’s UCI students are members of the Millennial generation, known for their affinity for technology. As a new twist on the traditional library tour, the podcast tours reach these digital natives via a medium they use regularly in their daily lives. Designed especially to appeal to the Millennial preference for convenience, customizability, and delivery of information through media, the podcast tours can be taken any time, at the listener’s pace.

Located at www.lib.uci.edu/audio/podcast_tour.html, the podcasts can be downloaded to a desktop computer or uploaded to an MP3 player and played as a listener takes the tour while walking through the building.

For more information, please contact Cathy Palmer, Head of Education and Outreach (cpalmer@uci.edu or x44972).


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Inside this issue

Calisphere: Digitized Primary Sources and More

Library Podcast Tours Now Available

Rare Californiana Acquired on Annis Endowment

Ask a UC Librarian: Real-Time Online Reference

Artists’ Book Exhibit Travels to Scripps College

Joan Irvine Smith Publishes Autobiography

Recruitment of Librarians Continues

Campuswide License to RefWorks Software

Library Publications Web Page Debuts

Knovel Engineering and Technology Reference Works Online

UCI Libraries Update

Mitchell Brown, Kay Collins, Jackie Dooley, Sylvia Irving, Kathryn Kjaer, Steve MacLeod, Julie Sully, Allison Tran, Christina Woo

Editor: Jackie Dooley

Design & Production:
Julia Crosara