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Message from the University Librarian:
Library Fellowships for Undergraduate Research

The UCI Libraries’ third annual Libraries-UROP Research Fellowships have been awarded to selected undergraduates. The fellowships are funded by the Libraries’ Nellie Ansley Reeves Award Endowed Fund and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.

From left to right: Sheilamae Reyes, Marie Grace Trinidad, Matthew Alecock, Jalili Eemaan, Lisa Van Vu
(not pictured: Brian Walker)

The Libraries have strongly supported undergraduate research across all disciplines on campus. The Report of the Task Force on Undergraduate Education (2004) recognized the importance and breadth of the Libraries’ undergraduate research programs and services. The report detailed many of our offerings of research-skills courses in campus wide programs such as Writing 39C and Humanities Core, and in individual classes in the schools, including Biological Sciences, Engineering, and Social Ecology. Outside of the classroom we work with many groups including the Campuswide Honors Program, the Transfer Students Office, and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program.

Our research fellowships were established in response to the Task Force on Undergraduate Education recommendation that all undergraduate students participate in research and creative activities to broaden their understanding of their fields of study. Working with UROP, the Libraries’ awards provide recognition and support to students whose research projects make significant use of library resources, demonstrate creative applications of research methodology, or focus on research about the scholarly information process. In addition to their faculty mentors, library fellows have the opportunity to work closely with a research librarian who is a subject expert in the relevant field of inquiry.

In 2008, the Libraries selected six undergraduate Fellows whose projects reflect the diverse nature of research across the disciplines. The 2008 LURF recipients are Sheilamae Reyes (Sociology, Anthropology) for her project "Framing California's Proposition 187," Brian Walker (Literacy Journalism) for "The Evolution of the 14th Amendment Through a Human Perspective," Marie Grace Trinidad (Public Health Policy) for "Evaluating the Efficacy of Hygiene Improvement Frameworks Using Existing Cultural Beliefs," Matthew Alecock (Criminology, Law and Society) for "California's Compassionate Choice: The Failure of California's Right to Die Legislation Despite Electorate Majority Support," Jalili Eemaan (Political Science) for "The Japanese Textbook: Controversial Changes in Rhetoric," and Lisa Van Vu (International Studies) for "The Learning and Motivating Power of Environmental Cinema." Winning projects from the past have included laboratory experiments, empirically-derived social science data, and the analysis of literary works or artistic performance.

Fellows share the results of their research at the annual UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium in May and submit their manuscripts for consideration of publication in The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal.

Please join us in congratulating this year's LURF Fellows.

For more information see https://www.lib.uci.edu/about/projects/urop/urop2008.html and www.evc.uci.edu/undergrad/tfuged_2003-04.pdf.



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Inside this issue

Message from the University Librarian: Library Fellowships for Undergraduate Research

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UCI Libraries Update

Jackie Dooley, Jim Galbraith, Carol Hughes, Susan Lessick, Gerald Munoff, Cathy Palmer, Brian Williams

Editor: Jackie Dooley

Design & Production:
Sylvia Irving

Web Version:
Sage Kim