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LexisNexis Congressional: An Unparalleled Record Online

All federal congressional documents from the birth of the United States Congress to the present are now searchable full text on a single research platform at UCI. LexisNexis Congressional (LNC) makes the very oldest and very newest House and Senate Reports, documents, hearings, committee prints, legislative histories, Congressional Research Service reports, and Congressional Record debate instantly retrievable.

UCI access to LexisNexis Congressional flows from two significant investments: the first when the UC Libraries announced its purchase of perpetual access to the Hearings Digital Collection (1824-1979) for the entire UC System; the second when the University of California, Irvine, Law Library purchased perpetual access to the remainder of LexisNexis' massive congressional database for the benefit of the entire UCI Campus.

Permanent access to this resource from our ANTPAC database is available at antpac.lib.uci.edu:80/record=b3081832~S7. The item's permanent UC access address is uclibs.org/PID/6941.

For more information, please contact Brian Williams, Research Librarian for United States Government and Criminology, Law & Society (brianrw@uci.edu or x40473).


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