Last Reviewed September 29, 2023.
ILL requests should be made through UC Library Search.
If you can't request the item you need or are experiencing difficulties, please submit your ILL request using our Blank ILL Request Form. Include as much information as you can in your request (ex. Title, author, ISBN, ISSN, etc.)
Use My Library Account through UC Library Search to manage your ILL items.
Please email ILL staff at or text us at 949-303-7535 with any questions. We thank you for your understanding and patience.
The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service enables UCI students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials from other libraries that are not available at the UCI Libraries. Requests are made by using UC Library Search.*
*Connect from off-campus using the VPN for best results.
Contact Us
Please include the ILL number of your item when contacting the Interlibrary Loan Department.
Langson Library Interlibrary Loan
Science Library Interlibrary Loan
Grunigen Medical Library (GML) Interlibrary Loan Law Library |