Library Support for Teaching and Learning
UCI Libraries is committed to developing information literacy and supporting the research needs and learning goals of instructors, departments and programs across the campus. We believe that the ability for students to navigate, understand, and evaluate information is crucial to their success as students as well as to their growth as global citizens.
The library seeks to work with faculty and staff at UCI to engage students in critical discussions about information, including:
- Finding and evaluating existing information;
- Defining information needs and understanding how information is used in creating new knowledge;
- Understanding how information is produced and valued, including the power structures involved in information creation and dissemination;
- Participating ethically in communities of learning1
We offer multiple modes of support, including in-person or online synchronous workshops, online tutorials, custom research guides for specific classes or assignments, primary source workshops, or consultations with faculty on integrating information literacy principles into assignments.
Learn more about workshops and tutorials

Library Orientations
Basic introduction to library services, spaces, and resources

Information Literacy Workshops
Instruction tailored to advance student information literacy or research skills for specific assignments

Primary Source Workshops
Exploring and understanding primary sources from Special Collections and Archives

Online Tutorials
Self-guided tutorials, videos, and courses to learn research and information literacy skills
Links for Faculty and Instructors
Affordable Course Materials and Open Educational Resources (OER)
Policy on Instruction for Non-UCI groups and Division of Continuing Education
1 Adapted from the ACRL Frameworks for Information Literacy (2016)