Expanding Our Capacity to Improve Lives
The Libraries provide platforms for campus growth through sustainable collections, expert services, and innovative program development. Through partnerships that span the globe, we provide access to world-class collections; contribute library expertise to the academic life of the UCI community; and deliver information literacy and support at all stages of research, education, and clinical care. To advance these priorities, we
- Create, administer, and preserve access to collections and scholarly resources to support expanding areas of research, education, and healthcare, with an emphasis on leveraging statewide resources and partnerships for building collections and supporting open, equitable, and accessible materials.
- Provide and expand our information literacy and scholarship services to support current and emerging campus learning communities, research areas, and information life cycle needs via sustainable engagement with the Libraries’ subject matter and functional experts.
- Promote the global visibility, reproducibility, and public impact of UCI’s research by enabling services and technologies that facilitate the management, sharing, discoverability, and preservation of research output.
- Enhance the discoverability and accessibility of our distinctive collections and resources for the global scholarly community.
- Invest in our professional expertise, flexibility, and capacity to support emerging research and learning needs in computational and data literacy, evidence synthesis, and digital scholarship.