Last reviewed September 12, 2023
The UCI Libraries provide educational resources and services that support learning and scholarship at the University of California Irvine. To be effective in these activities, the Libraries must create an environment that fosters intellectual development through open inquiry and access to information representing all points of view, even when this information may be considered controversial. Members of the UCI community and all others who use our resources are welcome to do so with the understanding that the UCI Libraries neither restrict access to lawful materials nor shield library users from exposure to materials they may find offensive. UCI Libraries is also committed to ensuring our faculty, staff, and students an environment free of harassment or intimidation as provided by University policies.
The Libraries understand that the free, effective, and frequent exchange of ideas, information, and experience is absolutely necessary for the pursuit and production of knowledge. Access restrictions will be kept to a minimum, consisting only of those that are essential for the safety of UCI students, faculty, staff, and Libraries materials, or as provided by University policy. In cases of resources constraint or conflict, priority will be given to access for members of UCI primary constituency groups as defined by the policy stated in Access to University of California Library Collections by External Users (pdf).
The UCI Libraries adhere to the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights which supports access to information and denounces censorship, and the American Library Association's Freedom to Read Statement. The UCI Libraries are committed to protecting each library user's right to privacy with respect to information sought or received, resources consulted, and confidentiality of items borrowed.
It is the user’s responsibility to contribute to an atmosphere that is conducive to study and to respect the needs of others using Libraries services. UCI Libraries will refuse access to the building or service to any library user who disrupts the use of the facilities by others or by being disrespectful to other library users or to a library employee. Unacceptable behavior that is not permitted includes but is not limited to the following:
- Disruptive activity or any behavior interfering with ordinary Library use or operation, likely to endanger others, or that other users might reasonably find disruptive;
- Preventing or postponing timely access to library resources through theft or deliberate misuse of materials or equipment;
- Violation of University policies including policies on computer and network use, electronic communications, and sexual harassment;
- Vandalism or defacement of materials or library property;
- Interfering with a Library employee's performance of duties, including through verbal or written abuse, intimidation, or any type of harassment.
Library employees are concerned about the safety of our users and we take seriously our obligation to manage disruptive behavior in a professional and rapid fashion. If necessary campus police will be contacted.
If you need immediate assistance, contact a library employee at the nearest service desk or call us at:
Langson Library 949-824-6842
Science Library 949-824-3692
Grunigen Medical Library 714-456-5585
We also encourage you to fill out our Report a Library Incident form.