Library Filming/Photo Policies & Procedures

Last reviewed: August 12, 2024

This information is for those requesting to take noncommercial photographs or video in the UCI Libraries:

  • Library users and employees may not be filmed or photographed without their knowledge and consent.
  • Incidental personal photography/video is permitted in Library facilities, subject to the Users’ Rights & Responsibilities and any posted restrictions covering specific areas/exhibits.

To request authorization to film in the UCI Libraries, please read the information below:

  1. There are three primary types of requests that the library receives for filming opportunities: external, internal, and media requests.  Requests should be routed directly to Cheryl Baltes, UCI Libraries Director of Communications, at 949-824-4658 or for further consideration
  2. All filming requests, with the exception of media requests, should be submitted to the library communications office a minimum of 72 hours prior to the proposed event so that the Director of Communications can notify and confer with facilities and public services leadership and staff.
  3. The Libraries’ operations and user services will always take priority over filming requests and therefore may ultimately drive the approval process.
  4. All filming requests must outline the purpose, content, intent of the shoot, potential support staff needed (if any), proposed location involved, estimated length of time of the shoot and whether or not the group has an academic function on campus.
  5. For all external requests, the production coordinator must prescreen the applicants (for such items as insurance, permissions, and content) prior to contacting the library's Communications office.
  6. Once the Director of Communications receives the request (from the production coordinator or library department personnel) it will be evaluated based on the following:
    1. content – what subject matter is being filmed (including foreground and background)
    2. time of day and the day of the week
    3. specific location (building, floor, room, etc.)
    4. whether or not it should take place during operational hours
    5. necessary support - such as labor from the library facilities or communications offices
    6. special needs (electrical, sound, lighting, props, etc.)
    7. privacy – respecting the students and staff in the area of the proposed shoot
    8. students and other library patrons cannot be filmed, accommodations must be made to avoid filming patrons
  7. The Director of Communications will evaluate the request and either approve or disapprove the request in collaboration with the appropriate department head(s).
  8. Once approved, the library's Communications office will notify appropriate library employees of a film shoot.