MLIS Internships
UCI Libraries offer unpaid internships for students enrolled in American Library Association (ALA) accredited library and information science graduate programs.
Visit our Academic and Staff Positions and Student Employment pages for lists of other available positions and instructions to apply.

UCI Libraries seek interns who are interested in pursuing a career in academic librarianship and who will bring enthusiasm and creativity to their internship project. It is expected that interns will receive three to four credits at their own academic institutions, and therefore the interns' commitments will range from 120 to 180 hours, depending upon the requirements of the intern's academic program.
If you are interested in pursuing an internship in the UCI Libraries, please see below for more details and then email an application to Libraries HR at
MLIS applications should include the following:
- Brief resume
- Cover letter that explains the library services, specialties, and projects that interest you
- Your qualifications, including a list of any courses taken that are relevant to the specific internship(s) desired
- Description of your career goals
- Number of hours required for the internship and which quarter(s) you are seeking an internship
Below are some examples of the types of internships offered within UCI Libraries. New internship opportunities may be offered as new projects and activities develop. Actual internship positions may vary and may not be available every quarter.
An internship in Electronic Resources offers the motivated student the opportunity to gain experience acquiring and maintaining items for the Libraries' electronic collections. Students will participate in and learn the following:
- Ordering and activating electronic resources
- Maintaining a link resolver
- Using an electronic resources management system (ERMS), including coverage load, usage statistics analysis, and license management
- Elements of a license agreement, as it pertains to negotiation as well as coding for ERMS data
- Process of negotiating and executing a license agreement
A full semester or two quarter commitment by the student is preferred. An effort will be made to tailor the internship to meet both the learning outcomes desired by the student and the functional needs of the department.
Internships in the Cataloging and Metadata Services Department offer students the ability to assist and learn from experienced catalogers in various cataloging/metadata projects. Interns will gain experience with MARC cataloging and database maintenance and with cataloging tools, including RDA Toolkit, OCLC Connexion, and Ex Libris Alma.
Potential projects may include
- Special Collections and Archives cataloging
- Name authority record creation and editing
- Electronic resources cataloging
Internships in Collection Strategies offer students the ability to assist and learn from experienced bibliographers in collections development/management projects. Potential projects may include the following activities:
- Collections analysis and assessment for specific subject areas
- Assessment of collections for weeding and/or storage
- Creating and updating subject webpages, often called Lib Guides or Research Guides
- Assessment and data collection regarding electronic resources for specific subject areas
- Working with subject librarians to prepare subject-based instruction sessions for upper-division and graduate students
- Assisting with digital services projects that help to create or disseminate knowledge
- Assisting with activities and projects related to scholarly communication and the information lifecycle
The projects will be determined by the intern's area of subject expertise and interest as well as individual bibliographers' pending projects and time availability. Completion of a collection development course is not required but is a plus.
An internship in Collection Strategies with a focus on science and engineering will give a student an opportunity to work under the direction of a senior science librarian on several different projects. The intern will have the opportunity to learn about science and technology collection development, data management, bibliographic citation, and research metrics and altmetrics in an academic library context. The intern will gain insight into how the current trends and changes in higher education and library collections are influencing library activities and services. The student should have an interest in social media and the creative use of emerging technologies in professional research as well as an interest in or educational background in science and engineering subject areas and library publishing activities and related topics.
An internship in Digital Scholarship Services (DSS) provides the motivated student an opportunity to participate in work that transforms research and scholarly communication using new media and digital technologies. Areas of focus in DSS include open access (OA) publishing, digital preservation, digital humanities, data curation and management, computer coding for research, geographic information systems, and more.
Internship projects may include
- Working with DSS librarians to prepare and teach lessons on a range of topics
- Creating and updating webpages, such as Lib Guides or Research Guides, to educate users on digital scholarship topics
- Contributing to ongoing DSS projects
Projects will be selected with the intern's subject expertise and interests in mind.
Internships in Education and Outreach offer students the opportunity to work with experienced instruction librarians and to participate in instruction activities, including syllabi and web development and instruction. Potential projects may include the following activities:
- Developing interactive tutorials on topics such as plagiarism
- Creating and updating webpages to educate users on information literacy
- Teaching instruction sessions designed to introduce general or specific library resources and services
- Developing assessment tools that measure the effectiveness of library instruction
- Working with Education and Outreach staff to design and teach sessions to students at all levels and on a variety of topics
The projects will be determined by the intern's area of expertise and interest as well as the department's priorities for instruction.
Internships in the Reference Department will provide students with the opportunity to work with experienced reference librarians to assist in a variety of services and to learn about the provision of quality reference service. The UCI Langson Library contains the collections and services that support research and teaching in the arts, humanities, education, social sciences, social ecology, and business and management. The UCI Science Library contains the collections and services that support research and teaching in the biological sciences, physical sciences, computer and information sciences, engineering, and health sciences.
Potential aspects of this internship are
- Providing reference and information assistance at main reference desk in the Langson Library
- Assisting with the development and maintenance of library webpages, including Lib Guides or Research Guides
- Assisting in various assessment projects, using statistical data and assessment strategies
Interns should have some background or significant interest in public service. Some background in data-analysis techniques is desirable but not required. Specific projects will be determined by the intern's area of expertise and interest as well as department projects and needs at the time of the internship. Students who can commit to a two-quarter internship are preferred. The intern will work directly with a librarian on a specific project, in addition to working with others within the department at the reference desk or on other tasks.
An internship in Special Collections and Archives (SCA) offers students the opportunity to gain experience processing archival collections. Interns will be trained to arrange, preserve, and describe one or more collections according to local and national standards. They will work closely with an SCA librarian. Interns may expect to gain the following experience:
- Developing processing plans
- Recommending appraisal actions
- Organizing and housing materials in multiple formats
- Describing collections using Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
- Implementing some aspects of Greene and Meissner's "More Product, Less Process"
- Creating EAD-encoded finding aids for the Online Archive of California
Projects will be selected with the intern's subject expertise and interests in mind. Completion of coursework in archival management is strongly preferred.