Materials owned by the UCI Libraries or UC Regional Library Facilities
Last updated July 20, 2021.
Materials owned by the UCI Libraries can be placed on Course Reserves by completing the online order form for the Langson Library, Science Library, or the Multimedia Resources Center.
Circulating materials housed at a UC Regional Library Facility (either SRLF or NRLF) may be borrowed on Interlibrary Loan and placed on Course Reserves at a UCI Library. Contact us to make arrangements to have the material borrowed and placed on Course Reserves for your course. Materials obtained via Interlibrary Loan from other Libraries cannot be placed on Course Reserves.
Materials you would like the UCI Libraries to consider purchasing
The UCI Libraries will consider purchasing materials for Course Reserves (Lead time needed). Please complete the online order form for the Langson Library or the Science Library. Requests for media for Course Reserves should be made directly to your librarian.
Materials Owned by the Instructor or Department
Books owned by the instructor or department that are not owned by the Library can be placed on Course Reserves.
Print the completed Reserves Request Form and send it with the materials to be placed on Reserves to the Langson Library Reserves Services, Science Library Reserves Services, or the Multimedia Resources Center.
Please provide a signed permission form with unpublished works that were made by students, other faculty or staff.
In accepting these copies for Reserves use, the Library staff believes that such copies are in compliance with the Fair Use provisions of Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law (17 USCS 107).
UCI Libraries is not responsible for damage or loss of these materials.