Jewish Pioneers in OC: Did You Know?

benjamin dreyfus
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Benjamin Dreyfus. Circa 1880. Courtesy of the Photography Collection on Anaheim Local History, Anaheim Public Library.

Benjamin Dreyfus was born in Bavaria in 1824 and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1851. In addition to being one of the original investors in the Los Angeles Vineyard Society, which produced the vineyards in Anaheim, Dreyfus was a multi-faceted businessman. As a vintner, he is considered the first to have mass-produced  kosher wine for Passover for shipping in the United States. Dreyfus also partnered with August Lagenberger to open a store (Langenberger & Co.), and run a hotel and bar. In addition to being a businessman, Dreyfus was active in civic life. In 1872 he  was named Water Commissioner of Anaheim, from 1880 to 1882, he was president of the Anaheim Water Company, and he was elected to the Anaheim City Council in 1880, and became mayor of Anaheim in 1881. Dreyfus died in 1886.

sam and edith hutwitz
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Sam and Edith Hurwitz, 1911, in Santa Ana, California. Jewish Pioneers of Orange County: The Jewish Community of Orange County, California from the 1850s-1970s. Edited by Dalia Taft. Western States Jewish History, 2012. Courtesy of the Orange County Jewish Historical Society.

Sam Hurwitz arrived in Santa Ana in 1904 and began working in Morris Nasatir’s men’s clothing store. A few years later in 1915, he established his own store, Hurwitz Men’s Wear, on 4th Street in Santa Ana. The store stayed in business for 68 years until it closed in 1983.

Sam and his wife, Edith, were instrumental in forming Temple Beth Sholom in 1943. Sam also established the United Jewish Welfare Fund of Orange County and served as its Secretary.

sam hurwitz
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Sam Hurwitz, A TBS [Temple Beth Sholom] Founder, 1943. Courtesy of the Orange County Jewish Historical Society.

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benjamin dreyfus
sam and edith hutwitz
sam hurwitz
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